Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Thoughts

I also just began reading the book, and I have to agree with both Jack and Graham. I am enjoying it so far, but I am confused about a couple of things. Who is he living with? why is he being arrested? and why is he allowed to continue living his normal life? It really bothers me that he is not allowed to know what he did wrong. I could never imagine waking up one morning and the first thing to find out is that I am being arrested for something i have no idea about.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...he's not reacting harshly enough to the situation. I mean if I woke up to people waiting to arrest me without telling me why, I would be FREAKING OUT. I definitely wouldn't have been as calm as he was.

    He obviously isn't living in the U.S. because I'm pretty sure there is some amendment that says you can't arrest someone without a motive/without telling the person and seizure maybe??? Haha, I forget -__-
