I finished reading chapter one and a little bit more but so far the book doesn't seem to grab my attention very much. It's just weird because when you consider the fact that he was arrested, I would expect something like that to have really interested me with some kind of suspense but the story is not told like that. The tone of the story so far is very calm as though K. is going through any average day in his life. The first part of the story that caught my attention was at the very end of the first chapter when he kissed Ms. Burstner good night like an "animal." Judging by the description, it seemed a bit awkward as if Ms. Bursnter was very uncomfortable and did not want him to do that. However, K. left her room, feeling successful. He may just be very arrogant and unable to pick up on the signs.
I feel kind of the same way, except I somehow stay interested because I feel like there might be a huge trial scene down the line that will be intense to read. I also thought it was interesting how he kissed Ms. Bursnter because it almost seemed like he was forcing himself upon her. In most instances, though, he seems like he acts like a gentleman towards her.