Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have no idea what theme to use for my paper..

Do you guys have any thoughts for yours?

I guess I could address some of the unfair parts about government.... just an idea.

Seriously though.. respond to this. Idk what to write my thesis about

The End

After finishing the book I can honestly say I did not like it. Continuing on what Graham said, In what do people get executed with out knowing what they did wrong.
Oh, also... What was the climax of this? When he hired his uncle as a lawyer? If that was it, then it was pretty weak - didn't catch my interest at all. Or maybe the climax was when the two men came to get him.. but can a climax be at the end? ahhhh I'm confused.

I will admit one thing that I liked about it: the courtesy that the two gentlemen show towards K. when they're taking him to the execution. It makes the execution itself all the more creepy and gruesome. The fact that the two gentlemen were actually even able to take him to his death with such kind-heartedness is amazing to me... it's pretty wild if you think about it.

And not only that, but there were so many pointless characters... Like Huld? All the random women he becomes "involved" with?

Utterly dissatisfied

Ok guys, I just finished the book finally.
These are basically my initial thoughts:

HOW THE HELL IS THIS BOOK FAIR! In what world is someone killed with no reasoning behind it????? I mean I originally didn't really like the book.. but now I really don't like it. If the book is trying to criticize our modern system of government or something.... it's not succeeding. I'm pissed.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


So after reading the story I have thought of some ideas about the themes.
1. Power- K. doesn't really have a say it is all what the court says, totalitarian government.
2. Justice- the legal system and how it works is very corrupt
3. sex- he sleeps with a lot of women who are affiliated with the court
4. isolation- K. seems very isolated and alone most of the time.

I have thought about all of these topics and the two that makes the most sense to me is Justice, and isolation.

the end

okay! is it just me or did the ending of the book piss anyone else off. I really dont want to spoil the ending for everyone so I am going to wait to comment on it. so tell me when you guys are done so we can talk about it.

In the Cathedral

I find it pretty interesting that even though K. is on trial he is still allowed to keep his job. when he is asked to give a tour around the city to these two italian guys he is not so thrilled. he end up working his but off over night to learn some italian to come to work the next day and not even understand what these two guys are saying. I felt really bad when they didnt even show up at the cathedral for their appointment. While K. is in the cathedral he runs into a preist who warns him that his trial is really not going well. I feel so bad for K. I just feel like he should know what he has done and that he should know what is going to happen to him.

Block the Merchant, Dismissal of the Lawyer

I really enjoyed this chapter. I felt that this chapter gave more depth into the trial. we see that Huld has many other clients and that he is very lazy when it comes to informing his clients. he can go days without telling his clients anything. If I had Huld as my lawyer I would freak out. I feel really bad for block he is just informed that his trial hasn't even begun yet. after all this time, nothing has begun. I also find it pretty funny how Leni is having an affair with both of Hulds clients.

I cant wait to finish the book and see what happens with K's outcome!.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Whipper

Hey Shelby, I have not reached your point in the book yet but I am catching up. I just finished the Whipper which was an interesting chapter. Not much happened besides K. running in two the Whipper punishing the two man twice. K. constantly makes up excuses for his actions of not being able to save the two man but in reality he sounded as if he was afraid of the whole situation. It seems as if K. is getting himself more and more caught up in the situation by not allowing the clerks to run in and see what is happening for themselves. K fears everything. What did you guys think?